Doktorun dedikleri bana sacma geldi dogru bildiklerimi cogunu dogru bilgi olmadigini soyledi Olumak isterseniz diye paylasiyorum konu gecmis iliskilerle illgili ayrica yazan doktor ise amerikada taninmis uzman proffesor:
Wow. You're really into the weeds on this. And so much of what you think you understand is wrong.
Through several Dutch colleagues and friends, I am familiar with STI programs there. I'm not sure if Amsterdam RL district sex workers currently are monitored for HPV infection, but certainly that was not the case 14 years ago. Anyway, you are correct that "even if...test results are negative, the risk of HPV transmission always seems to exist." Therefore, that one particular "suspicious" partner a year ago tested negative also is meaningless in terms of your HPV risk. And it is just plain wrong that "this situation is rare". It's quite common.
It also is completely wrong that "most people show wart symptoms or test positive for HPV within 3, 6, 9, or 12 months after exposure." The large majority of HPV infections never cause warts, abnormal Pap smears, or other visible abnormalities. (Among those who acquire the main wart-causing types (HPV 6 and 11), around 50% develop visible warts in the next 6-12 months.) The notion that only 3% of HPV infections are latent or dormant is nonsense. Some experts believe it occurs 100% of the time, but certainly it is very common.
Do not deign to lecture us on the clinical importance of HPV infection. We have never described it as "flu like", and we are intimately aware of the risks, hence our universal and frequent emphasis on immunization and on Pap smears for women. Through these programs, the frequency of HPV related cancers is in fact very low. That's not to say the risk can be ignored. All in all, HPV related cancers are small in number compared with many others (like prostate, breast, colon, and so on).
That concludes this thread. Please note the forum policy on repeated questions, especially when anxiety driven or argumentative. This being your third, it will have to be your last. Further ones will be deleted without reply and without refund of the posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is intended to reduce the temptation to keep asking questions with obvious answers. In addition, repeated replies to "yes but" or "could I be the exception" sorts of concerns often tends to prolong anxiety rather than helping it. Finally, such questions have reduced educational value for other users, one of the forum's main goals. Thank you for your understanding. I do hope the several discussions help you put HPV in perspective and contribute to a more realistic understanding of the virus and its consequences.
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