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Konu: Forumla beraber benim surecim

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  1. #1
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    Red face Forumla beraber benim surecim

    Sevgili dostlar , uzun zamandır forumu üye olmadan takip ediyor ve tüm konuları tek tek tarayarak okuyordum. Ancak artık üye olup sizlerle temas etme cesaretine eriştim. Öncelikle Sevgili ARYA'ya konuya dair tüm bilgileri toparlayan , başarı hikayeleri ve süreçle ilgili detayları paylaşma fırsatı için kurmuş olduğu foruma dair teşekkürlerimi sunarım. Çok değerli ve çok kıymetli bilgiler ışığında bende sizlere sürecimden bahsetmek isterim;

    Öncelikle HPV ile genel bir cinsel hastalıklar tarama testi yaptırmış olmakla beraber tanıştım. Hpv pozitif sonucunu görünce şaşkınlık ile beraber online araştırmaya başladım. Ne yazık ki bu konuda ilgili ve uzman doktor bulmak zor. Ayrıca her doktorun dediği ile tatmin olmayacak kadar da araştırmacı ve detaycı kişiliğim söz konusu.

    ilk tanışma tarihim Mart 2024 - yabancı makaleler ve forumdaki bilgiler dahlinde herhangi bir uzman doktor ile temas etmeden Lab dan genotiplendirme talep ettim .

    Açıkcası daha önce de felç geçirmiş biri olarak çok büyük bir şok yaşamadım. Hayat bu ne de olsa .. Herşey başımıza her an gelebilir düsturusu ile araştırmalara devam ettim. Veeee hpv pozitifden 1 gün sonra genotiplendirme sonucu 11,62,81 besleyip büyüttüğüm tiplerime şapkamı çıkardım.
    Oturdum tiplerimi karşıma aldım. Tabi forum da yanı başımda, Haydi dedim. AHCC ile meydan muharebesi başlasın.. Hemen bir eczaneye gittim ve AHCC satınaldım. AMINO UP ABAY PHARMA. Tabiki bir uzmana danışmadan bu yola tek başıma devam edemezdim. Çünkü annem,teyzem,yengem vs derken hepsinin rahim kanseri sebebiyle rahimi ve yumurtalıkları alınmıştı.
    16 yaşımda cinsel hayatım henüz aktif değilken annem geçirmiş olduğu kanser sebebiyle, (ozamanlar Türkiye'de yoktu) Cervarix 2 tip 16-18 aşısı olmuştum. Tek doz. En zorlu tip olan 16-18 ile tanışmamış olmak mutlu etti. Ne de olsa kanser üzerine en yaygın olarak izleyen tip 16-18 di. Aşımı korudu verilmiş sadakam mı vardı bilemedim.
    Velhasıl kelam.. Özel bir hastanede bir doç. ile iletişime geçtim randevu aldım ve gittim.
    Tiplerimi söyledim. Ailedeki kanser geçmişinden ve daha önce aşı oldugumdan şuan 11,62,81 ile beraber yaşadığımı belirttim.
    Korkma vucut kendiliğinden atar diyerek başından savmaya çalıştı sağolsun. AHCC den bahsettim . istersen kullanabilirsin dedi. ALLAHIM verdiği cevaplar beni hpv tiplerimden daha çok delirtiyordu gerçekten. Mesleğini elime aldım. Hocam dedim gelin bana bir Smear testi yapalım hani ailede de varya kanser geçmişi . Yani git devlet hastanesinde yaptır boşa para verme dedi. Bekleyecek zamanım olmadığını bu yolda tek mal varlığım bir arabam var yani onu dahi satabilirdim. Hastalık bu neticede 15-20 günde hangi boyuta geleceğinin garantisi yok. Daha önce felç geçirmiş biri olarak erken tanı ve hızlı tedavi ile %98 oranla iyileşme sağladığım için , sağlıkta ertelememenin ne kadar önemli oldugunu biliyorum.
    Smear testi ısrarlarım üzerine yaptı saolsun. Görünen bir siğilim yok ve hiç olmadı. veeeeee 3 gün sonra smear sonuclarım geldi . Sonuç temiz negatif. Tabi ben duramadım kolonoskopi talep ettim gerek yok dedi . ahcc devam et . 3-5 ay sonra yine bir baktırırsın dedi vee...
    ahcc düzenli düzensiz saçma sapan kullandım. Ancak şunu söyleyebilirim daha önce hiç olmadığı kadar enerjik ve neşeliyim. bağışıklığımın güçlendiğini gerçekten hissediyorum, asla soguk su içemezdim hemen boğazlarım şişer bademciklerimi iltihap bağlardı . Bu yaz buz kemirdim diyebilirim tam 3.5 ay geçti . Veee işte sonuç: Biraz ilginç, HPV 11,62,81 virüslerimden 11 gitmiş Uğurlar olsun çok bile kaldı bence.. ancak 62 ve 81 duruyor topyekün savaşa devam. Her 3 tipte hafif riskli tipler olsa da istemiyorum benim nacizene bedenimde..Sağlık herşeyden kıymetli..
    Sonuç tam tatmin etmemiş olsa da 11 den kurtuldum. Ancak Amino Up ve Time health arasında kaldım. bu konuyu değerlendiremedim ne yazık ki ve sanırım time healthe gececegim veya combo mu yapsam bilemedim. Ekstradan çörek otu yagı tableti ve duobalance bv cran aldım. başka ne alabilirim kullanabilirim bilmiyorum.. Ancak şu bir umut oldu 11 den kurtulmuş olmak 62 ve 81 den de kurtulabilirimin ışığını bana yaktı. Sağlık herşeyden kıymetli derken bu arada hayvan gibi sigara içiyorum. Alkol nadiren komaya girene kadar içiyorum. Sağlıklı besleniyormuyum bilemedim.. Yüzmeye baslayacağım sanırım birazda egzersiz gerekli... 62 ve 81 den kurtulmayı temenni ediyor.. Mücadeleki tüm arkadaşlara başarılar diliyorum..

  2. #2
    Yeni Üye
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    Best Handcycles for Additional Travel

    Navigating Rough Terrain with Off-Road Motorized Electric Chairs If you love the great outdoors but use a mobility chair, an off-road motorized model can reveal a world of opportunities. Built to tackle uneven grounds, these mobility chairs are fitted with rugged wheels and powerful engines. Whether you're preparing for a hike in the wilderness or a trip at the shore, an rough terrain mobility chair can aid you get there. These mobility chairs are constructed for adventure, offering characteristics like all-terrain treads and solid suspension setups. So, if you're looking to explore the great outdoors, an all-terrain powered wheelchair might just be your entry to venture. Don’t let bumpy paths hold you back – get ready and experience with security. Advantages of Rear Wheel Drive Electric Wheelchairs 56c6_77 JayCreer brand electric chair Inspect this Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona Senior Electric Wheelchairs with One-Touch Folding

  3. #3
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    Best Manual Cycle Trikes for Disabled People

    Super Lightweight Collapsible Powered Electric Chairs: Advantages and Characteristics Extremely light collapsible powered electric chairs are ideal for people who need a compact assistive device. These wheelchairs are built to be low weight and small, rendering them easy to transport and store. Search for features like compact chassis, long battery longevity, and cozy seats. Extremely light collapsible electric wheelchairs offer the ease of easy stowing and portability without compromising comfort or practicality. They’re ideal for travel, regular use, or traveling in narrow places. Relish the freedom and freedom that is provided by a low weight, collapsible wheelchair. It’s a life-changer for those who require mobility on the move. Best Twin Drive Motorized Wheelchairs 56c6_77 Power wheelchair for elderly, handicapped, and elderly. Tai He twin handle four wheel all terrain completely automated and multifunctional Inspect this Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona Motorized Handbikes for Manual Electric Chairs

  4. #4
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    Traveling with Off-Road Powered Electric Chairs

    Top Manual Cycle Trikes for Physically Challenged Users Handbike trikes are a great way for physically challenged people to stay active. These cycles are designed to be easy to operate and provide a comfortable, balanced trip. Look for features like adjustable chairs, multiple speed options, and robust design. Handbike trikes can give a great exercise and help improve overall fitness and mobility. So, if you’re searching for a enjoyable and effective way to stay engaged, consider a manual cycle trike. They provide the ideal blend of training and motion, rendering it simpler to love the outside and stay fit. Prepare to ride your way to freedom and excitement! Uncovering the Leading Powered Handcycles on the Market 56c6_77 2020 budget friendly mini electric wheelchair Inspect this Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona Flexible Handcycles for Electric Wheelchairs

  5. #5
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    Graphite Motorized Mobility Chairs Advantages and Disadvantages

    Low Weight Motorized Mobility Chairs for Voyaging Journeying with a mobility chair can be a challenge, but low weight motorized versions make it much more convenient. These wheelchairs are constructed to be easy to carry and handle, rendering them suitable for travel. Seek features like collapsible frames, long battery duration, and robust design. Lightweight electric electric chairs can give the independence and autonomy wanted to explore new locations. So, if you enjoy to voyage, ponder investing in a low weight motorized mobility chair. They’re perfect for traveling in air terminals, accommodations, and tourist attractions. Relish your journeys with convenience and comfort, being certain you have a reliable and portable mobility chair by your side. Benefits of 14" Motorized Handcycles 56c6_77 12.5 kilogram featherweight electric wheelchair Discover this Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona Reasons to Choose S

  6. #6
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    How to Navigate All-Terrain Electric Electric Chairs

    Uncovering the Leading Electric Handcycles on the Market Powered handcycles are a fantastic option for people looking to stay engaged and mobile. These handcycles are easy to use and give a comfortable, balanced trip. Search for features like modifiable seating, multiple speed settings, and sturdy construction. Powered handcycles can provide a superior workout and aid increase overall well-being and motion. So, if you’re looking for a exciting and efficient way to stay mobile, think about an motorized handcycle. They blend the benefits of biking with the handiness of motorized assistance, turning it easier to love outdoor pursuits and stay healthy. Pedal your way to a better lifestyle. Why JayCreer Electric Wheelchairs Are Well-Known 56c6_77 Fast removable lithium ion battery electric chair Have a look at this Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona Power Wheelchairs with Folding Function for Outdoors

  7. #7
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    Selecting the Leading Travel-Friendly Electric Wheelchairs

    Comparing Full Auto Motorized Electric Chairs for Elderly Users Choosing the suitable full auto electric electric chair for elderly people is like locating the suitable vehicle for a beginner operator. It needs to be secure, dependable, and easy to handle. Fully automatic mobility chairs offer attributes like remote control, automatic folding, and even high-density foam seats for extra ease. These wheelchairs are constructed to give independence and usability, rendering them perfect for aged individuals. So, if you’re in the market for a fully automatic mobility chair, search for one that blends ease, handiness, and safety. Make sure to check for easy-to-operate interfaces and battery life that lasts throughout the period. Your friends will be grateful to you for it! Premium Electric Mobility Scooters with Short Turning Radius 56c6_77 Luxury electric mobility scooter electric chair with very small turning radius Discover this Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona Smart Electric Wheelchairs for Regular Use

  8. #8
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    Picking the Appropriate Powered Patient Lift for Homecare

    Key Parts to Search for in a Handicapped Wheelchair When picking a disabled mobility chair, there are several essential components to consider. Search for attributes like comfortable chairs, trustworthy stopping systems, and easy-to-use interfaces. These components can aid provide a smooth and ergonomic journey. Disabled wheelchairs are designed to offer maximum comfort and ease of use. So, if you’re in the search for a recent electric chair, ensure to consider these key parts. Comfort, safety, and usability are essential elements in identifying the ideal mobility chair. Take your time and choose carefully to improve your motion and daily existence. Travel-Friendly Low Weight Motorized Wheelchairs You Should Know About 56c6_77 Compact advanced electric wheelchair Explore this Sedona Guitarist that plays Flamenco Guitar in Arizona Featherweight Power Wheelchairs with Removable Battery Packs

  9. #9
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    Transforming Residential Security and Cutting-edge Breakthroughs

    Guard The Privacy with Privacy-Centric Safety Devices Distressed about privacy in an epoch of unending monitoring? Step into privacy-focused security cams—a safeguard for your personal room. With built-in confidentiality functions such as shutter settings, encryption protocols, and offline storage options, these devices prioritize the privacy without endangering safety. See having the serenity of consciousness that comes with knowing your observation footage is safe and only accessible to authorized people. Consider the top-of-the-line Arlo Pro 3 Floodlight Camera, a privacy-oriented video camera engineered to protect your house without intruding on your secrecy. Whether you're protecting your back garden, monitoring your front door, or overseeing your drive, this cam provides advanced privacy characteristics and unwavering protection. Upgrade to privacy-focused surveillance cams today and reclaim authority of your personalized zone. Night Vision Array Security Molding the Backdrop of Security and Novelties Set Free f7243e7

  10. #10
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    Innovating Protection Strategies and A Closer Look

    Secure The Personal Space with Privacy-Focused Surveillance Devices Anxious about secrecy in an time of never-ending monitoring? Enter privacy-focused safety cams—your safeguard for the individual area. With embedded confidentiality functions such as shutter adjustments, encryption protocols, and regional storage options, these cameras prioritize the privacy without compromising protection. See having a serenity of brain that comes with knowing your monitoring footage is secure and only accessible to permitted individuals. Consider the top-of-the-line Arlo Pro 3 Floodlight Camera, an privacy-centric camera engineered to secure your home without invading on your confidentiality. Whether you're defending your yard, monitoring your fore door, or overseeing your drive, this video camera offers advanced privacy attributes and rigorous safety. Improve to privacy-focused surveillance camera systems today and regain control of your individual room. 4MP 3MP 1080P Resolution CCTV Cam Advancing Monitoring Technology and The Future of Security f7243e7

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